
A Review of 2020

  -The Year of Plot Twist-   Today is the last day of 2020, in just a few hours we will put it in history book. Is it fun? Is it painful? Here is my review. This year supposed to be a golden year where millions of planning has been schedule on but with just one single blow – everything is scattered around . Just like that, it ironically pushing us to stop and to adapt – to survive. And it literally happens for everyone. So, why this year is so hard tho? Kid, if you are from the future and you don’t quite follow, there is something called Covid-19 (it is a new kind of flu but a deadly one for many people). At first, we think it will be disappearing soon but in fact, until today we still surrounding by it – a whole year tho. Is it scary? Yes, scarier than the zombie in your favorite movie. You can identify zombie easily but not Covid-19. We can’t really do our everyday live as normal as before: Traveling freely, sitting with friends for hours, eating all the street food tha...

Vietnam in 11 Days

Setibanya di pintu kedatangan Noi Bai International Airport (NIA) di Ha Noi, aku langsung menukar 200 USD ke Dong, mata uang Vietnam. Kalo nggak salah dapat sekitar 4 jutaan Dong waktu itu. Setelahnya langsung aku pakai untuk beli paket data selama 7 hari dan sisanya untuk bekal selama perjalanan 11 hari ke depan. Anw, kali ini aku pergi sendiri lagi hehe Sejujur-jujurnya menyiapkan rencana perjalanan selama di site itu susah banget, soalnya akses internet udah kayak taboo gitu. Mau research pas jam kantor bawaannya kayak dimata-matain, “masa jam kantor liat-liat penginapan dan baca artikel perjalanan”. Jadilah pas di Bandara NIA baru search gimana caranya menuju ke Old Quarter Area (keterlaluan sih emang!). Waktu itu aku naik bus nomer 86, dari pintu kedatangan ntar belok kiri terus nyebarang sekali. Nah ntar tunggu aja busnya lewat. Biayanya 30.000 VND atau setara Rp 18.000,00 waktu itu. Perjalanan kurang lebih ditempuh selama 30-45 menit, nanti kondekturnya nanya ke kita ma...